There are two ways to view individual hands in Pokeit:
- Hand detail: A formatted version of the hand history
- Replayer: An animated replay of the hand
You can open either of these views by clicking on a row in a table visualization or by double clicking on a data point in a graph. The hand panel will then slide out from the right.
You can switch between the views from using buttons ing the top right of the panel. The first button will take you to the hand detail. The second opens the replayer. The third and fourth are combined views showing both the hand detail and the replayer.
Marking hands
There are several different ways you can mark important hands in Pokeit. You can click on the options button to access the following:
- Starring: Click on the star icon to “star” a hand in Pokeit. Starred hands will appear shaded gold in graphs and have a star badge next to them in the Hand Browser
- Tags: Tags allow you to group hands into custom categories. When you create a tag, you give it a name & color and then you can apply it to any hand you’d like
- Notes: If you have a bit more to say about a particular hand, you can create a note and write as much as you want
You can change the visibility of starred hands, notes, and individual tags by clicking on the tag button in visualization toolbar.
Sharing hands
To share a hand in Pokeit, all you have to do is click “Share this hand” from the hand options menu. This action creates a unique weblink to the hand which you can copy and paste. Sharing options also include posting to twitter & facebook as well as email. Player names and results for the hand can also be hidden if you’d like to keep that information private.
Hand histories can also be shared in text or forum code. This can be done without actually sharing the hand on the web if you don’t want to generate a link. If the hand is also shared, a link to a replayable version will be included in the code or text.
Replayer options
Once you’ve got the replayer open, you can press Play or Next to start the hand. Once the hand has started, you can advance or rewind the actions as you please from the controller. Sounds are off by default but you can turn them on by clicking on the speaker button.
Buttons for moving to the next or previous hand in the visualization can be found on the left side of the controller. There’s also an option for playing all hands in order from start to finish.
The replayer includes a HUD for displaying stats on individual players. The stats can be changed by clicking on the gear button. You can add as many stats to your HUD as you can fit on two lines. The stats can be colored to help distinguish them. Be sure to check out the “Filters on HUD Stats” section to see what data is being used to compose your HUD. By default, stats will be from hands of the same game, limit type, and number of players at the table but this can be configured to be as narrow or broad as you like.