We’ve included a formula builder in Pokeit giving you the ability to create your own stats using the hundreds of fields in your database. Let’s dive in and take a look at what you can do.
What is a formula?
A formula is a combination of one or more fields assembled together through an equation. Every statistic you'll see in Pokeit is a formula, usually defined as one field divided by another.
Your Pokeit database houses hundreds of fields containing different bits of information about the hands and tournaments you’ve played. One of the main advantages of tracking all of the hands you play is it gives you the power to see how often certain situations occur.
Your Pokeit database encodes situations with simple True
or False
values. For instance, if no one has raised, and the action is on you, Pokeit will mark as True
that you had the opportunity to "Raise First In". If you were to then fold or call, Pokeit will mark "Raise First In" as False
. If you raise, Pokeit will mark "Raise First In" as True
. In order to create the RFI (raise first in) statistic in Pokeit, we count up all the times you "Raise First In" and divide it by the times you had the opportunity to "Raise First In". You can see this for yourself by navigating to the Asset Manager, clicking on "Formulas" and selecting RFI from the list. Every other statistic in Pokeit is created the same way!
Formulas are not just for statistics. Sometimes you just want to see multiple fields combined at once. We store each board card in its own field in the database but have created a formula called “boardcards” that strings all the cards together. Other formulas that we wouldn’t consider statistics include things like winnings denominated in big bets, stakes, or non-showdown winnings. In general, statistics are about measuring the frequency of something occurring.
Something like non-showdown winnings is a special case of a formula including a filter. There isn’t a field for non-showdown winnings in your database but there are fields for "Winnings" and "Saw Showdown". Pokeit’s formula builder allows you to specify that you only want results returned if a condition is met. For non-showdown winnings, that condition would be
Saw Showdown = False
. Filters can be added to your statistics too. For example, you may want an RFI stat that only considered situations where the player was in early position. To create this, all you’d have to do is load up RFI, add an filter for position, set the condition to early position, and then save it with a new name.
Using the formula builder
To open the formula builder, navigate to the Asset Manager by clicking on the the Asset Manager button and select "Formulas". You’ll then be presented with a list of all the formulas you have saved in Pokeit. Click on any one of them to open them up in formula builder. The formula builder consists of 3 parts:
Type | We give you the ability to create four different types of formulas, Text, Number, True/False, and Time. Choose Number if you want to create a statistic |
Equation | Use the Fields button to add fields and the operators at the top to compose the formula you want. Constants can be added as well as special fields like “Hands” when you want create a statistic over all the hands you’ve seen. The arrow and backspace keys can be used to edit, and drag and drop is also enabled |
Filter | Click Add a filter to select from a list of your saved filters, or you can create a new one by clicking the New button |
Once you've created a formula you like, click on the Save button to give it a name and a description. You can then add it to any visualization by clicking the Edit available fields button from the Edit fields dialog or by selecting Add more fields to the dropdowns in the Presentation panel.