The Presentation merges the fields of the Source with the dimensions of the Layout. It's in this section where you decide what your graph or table should actually show.
The fields set in your Source are present in the dropdowns. You can change the order of the fields by holding down the Alt + Ctrl keys and dragging. Series/Column display options and other field functions are accessible from the gear.
In this video, we:
- Access the presentation panel through clicking the gear icon in the top left toolbar of a visualization
- Use the presentation panel to change fields shown on a visualization
- Change the color spectrum and size of circles on a bubble chart
- In a table, change a field like BB100 to show standard deviation instead of average for each row
- Change the winnings column to show winnings as min (single worst hand) or max (single best hand), instead of the net amount across all hands
- In a bubble chart, change the an axis to show players' rankings for a field, rather than the raw field value
- Sort the dataset based on a field, from the field options popup
- Set a limit on the number of records to return
- Sample random records from within your limit, if there's more data available