Note-taking is an important skill which can help improve your poker game no matter what level you’re at. Pokeit makes it easy to star, tag, and create notes for the players you encounter at the poker table. The notes you take now can save you loads of money later.
Creating a note
You can create a note for a player by clicking on their HUD box and selecting “Show Player Notes.” Start typing and your note will save automatically. Once a note’s been created for a player, it will appear as an icon in their HUD box. Hovering over the note icon will show the note, and clicking on it will open the Notes popup for editing:
Starring is useful for keeping track of important opponents. Clicking on the star icon in the top right of the Notes popup will star a player. Clicking again will un-star. A star icon will appear in the HUD boxes of any players you’ve decided to star. Clicking on this icon in the HUD box will re-open the Notes popup.
Tags combine the versatility of notes with the ease of use of starring. Want to start tracking aggressive players? Create a tag called “aggressive” and color it red. Want to remember which players are soft? You can create a tag for that too.
Tags can be created and added from the Notes popup by clicking on the edit button. The list of available tags will appear and you can click the plus button to add, or the remove button to un-tag. New tags can be created by clicking on the “New Tag” button and existing tags can be edited or deleted from a right-click menu. When you’re done selecting tags, click on the checkmark to finish.
Tags you’ve added to a player will appear as vertical bars in their HUD box. If you can’t remember what each tag color means, you can hover over them to view their titles in a tooltip. Clicking on any tag in the HUD box will re-open the Notes popup.