The Pokeit website and Pokeit Desktop HUD application both contain proprietary code and assets. These products also rely on open-source software created by third parties. Below is a list of open-source technologies that Pokeit uses, as well as their respective licenses.
jQuery JavaScript library is provided for use through the MIT License.
Electron JS JavaScript framework is provided for use through the MIT License.
Semantic UI
Semantic UI JavaScript framework is provided for use through the MIT License.
Bootstrap JavaScript framework is provided for use through the MIT License.
Moment JavaScript library is provided for use through the MIT License.
D3 JavaScript library is provided for use through BSD 3-clause license.
Free Poker Database (FPDB)
FPDB is provided for use through AGPL (Affero GNU Public License).
Cygwin library
Cygwin is provided for use through LGPL-3.0 (GNU Lesser General Public License v3).