Pokeit works by reading the hand histories Winamax saves on your computer and uploading them into your account via the Pokeit client. Here are the steps for configuring Winamax so that it can work with Pokeit:
Hand Histories
Winamax saves hand histories and tournament summaries to your computer by default so no configuration is required. These are the default locations:
C:\Users\[USERNAME]\Documents\Winamax Poker\Accounts\[WINAMAX USER NAME]\History
Mac OSX:
/Users/[USERNAME]/Documents/Winamax Poker
Winamax saves hand histories in English by default and the HUD will detect tables even if the software is installed in the native French.
Preferred Seating
To configure your preferred seat, select Tools > Options from the menu in the poker lobby. Click the Game icon, and choose your preferred seat from the menu. There are four options to choose from: Top, Right, Bottom, or Left.
If you do set a preferred seat, you'll need to set that same seat as a 'favorite' while using the HUD. To do so, simply right click on the HUD closest to your position at the table and select 'Set as Favorite Seat'